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15+ Templates for Sales Follow-up Emails


ByJanani H

Published September 22, 2023

Sales follow-up emails

You know what they say, "Fortune favors the follow-up." And in the world of sales, that's more true than ever. The humble follow-up email can turn a lukewarm lead into a red-hot customer, but here's the kicker: not all sales follow-up emails are created equal.

Imagine this: 80% of sales require at least five follow-ups, but shockingly, 44% of salespeople give up after just one try! 😲 We get it, the hustle is real, and crafting the perfect follow-up email can be like finding a needle in a haystack.

But hey, we won't let you throw in the towel. We're here to make your follow-up game stronger than ever! In this blog, we're serving up 13+ sales follow-up email templates to boost your sales and simplify your life.

From re-engagement to post-demo debriefs and beyond, our templates cover all the bases and, most importantly, close those deals.

The Importance of Sales Follow-up Emails

Picture this scenario: you've just had a promising sales call with a potential client. You've dazzled them with your product or service, answered all their questions, and you're certain they're interested. Now, what's the next move?

This is where the magic of sales follow-up emails comes into play, and their importance cannot be overstated. Let's break it down:

1. Nurturing leads

According to industry data, converting a cold lead into a customer takes an average of 8 touches. That's where follow-up emails shine. They keep your brand top-of-mind and maintain a connection with your prospects as they move through the decision-making process.

2. Building trust

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful sale. Follow-up emails allow you to build rapport and trust by providing additional information, addressing concerns, and showing genuine interest in your prospect's needs.

3. Showcasing persistence

It's a fact: 80% of sales require at least five follow-ups, yet many salespeople give up after just one attempt. Following up demonstrates your commitment to the prospect and separates you from the competition.

4. Recovering lost opportunities

Sometimes, deals fall through the cracks. A well-timed follow-up email can rekindle interest and resurrect seemingly lost opportunities. You'd be surprised how many "almost lost" sales are saved with a strategic follow-up.

5. Customer retention

Follow-up emails are for more than just leads. They're invaluable for retaining and upselling existing customers. Staying in touch, offering support, and showcasing new products or services can turn one-time buyers into loyal advocates.

Sales Follow-up Email Subject Lines

Crafting the perfect subject line for your sales follow-up email can be a game-changer. It's the first thing your recipient sees, and it can determine whether your email gets opened or sent to the dreaded "spam" folder. Let's explore some subject line strategies that will make your emails impossible to ignore:

1. Personalization is key: Mention your prospect's name in the subject line. For example, “John, A Special Offer Just for You.”

2. Create a sense of urgency: Use time-sensitive language like "Limited Time Offer: 24 Hours Left!" to encourage quick action.

3. Benefit-oriented: Highlight the value your email offers. For instance, “Boost Your Sales with Our Proven Strategies.”

4. Ask a question: Engage your recipient's curiosity by posing a question like “Are You Ready to Skyrocket Your ROI?”

5. Offer a solution: If you're addressing a problem or pain point, provide a solution in the subject line, like “Struggling with Lead Generation? Try This.”

6. Use social proof: Mention impressive statistics or endorsements in your subject line, such as “Join 10,000 Happy Customers Today!”

7. Keep it short and sweet: Short subject lines often perform better. Try something like "Quick Question" or “Don't Miss Out.”

8. Personal milestones: Celebrate special occasions or achievements, like “Happy First Anniversary with [Your Company].”

9. Tease valuable content: If your email contains valuable content, hint at it in the subject line, e.g., "Unlock Our Exclusive E-book Inside."

Finally, test different subject lines to see what resonates best with your audience. Experiment and refine your approach over time. Remember, the subject line is your foot in the door, so make it count. It should be compelling, relevant, and aligned with the content of your email. 

Certainly! Here are some examples of sales follow-up email subject lines that you can use when you've received no response to your initial outreach:

  • "Eager to Hear Your Thoughts, [Prospect's Name]"
  • "A Quick Follow-Up on Our Last Conversation"
  • "Checking In: Is [Your Product/Service] Still on Your Radar?"
  • "Ready to Dive Deeper, [Prospect's Name]?"
  • "Re: Our Previous Discussion - [Your Solution] Update"
  • "Last Attempt: [Prospect's Name], Let's Connect!"
  • "One More Try: [Your Product/Service] Worth Exploring"
  • "A Friendly Reminder from [Your Name]"
  • "Missed My Last Email? Let's Catch Up!"
  • “You're on Our VIP List, [Prospect's Name]”

These subject lines are designed to be polite, persistent, and engaging without being too pushy. They aim to reignite the conversation and encourage your prospect to open your follow-up email. Remember to personalize them by including your prospect's name and adapting them to the specific context of your outreach.

Looking for some follow up email subject line inspiration? Try this blog.

20 Templates for Sales Follow-up Emails

1. Use case: Follow-up after sending a proposal

Subject line: "Your Custom Proposal from [Your Company]"

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to confirm that you received the proposal we sent your way. Please take your time to review it, and if you have any questions or need further clarification, don't hesitate to reach out.

We're excited about the opportunity to work with you and look forward to your feedback.

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Send this sales follow-up email after sending a proposal to ensure your prospect received it and to encourage them to review it promptly.

2. Use case: Post-demo follow-up

Subject line: "Key Takeaways from our demo, [Prospect's Name]"

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I hope you found our recent demo informative. I wanted to highlight a few key takeaways that demonstrate how [Your Product/Service] can benefit your organization:

[Demo Highlight 1]

[Demo Highlight 2]

[Demo Highlight 3]

Please let me know if you have any questions or if there's anything else you'd like to explore further. We're here to help you make an informed decision.

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Send this email after giving a product or service demo to summarize the key points discussed and address any questions or concerns your prospect may have.

3. Use Case: Re-engagement email

Subject line: "Reviving our conversation, [Prospect's Name]"

Hi [Prospect's Name],

It's been a while since we last connected, and I wanted to see if your circumstances or needs have changed. I'm here to provide any updates or information you may require.

If you're still interested in exploring how [Your Product/Service] can benefit you, please let me know. I'd be happy to assist.

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Use this template to re-engage with a prospect who has gone quiet or paused communication. It's a gentle way to check if there's still interest or if circumstances have changed.

4. Use case: Follow-up after a networking event

Subject line: "Nice meeting you at [Event Name]"

Hi [Prospect's Name],

It was a pleasure meeting you at [Event Name]. I enjoyed our conversation about [topic discussed], and I believe there could be some exciting opportunities for collaboration.

Let's schedule a quick call to explore how [Your Product/Service] aligns with your goals. How about [suggest a date and time]?

Looking forward to connecting further!

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Send this sales follow-up email after meeting a prospect at a networking event to continue the conversation and explore potential collaboration.

5. Use case: Follow-up after a trial period

Subject line: "How's Your Trial Going, [Prospect's Name]?"

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I hope you've been enjoying your trial of [Your Product/Service]. We'd love to hear your feedback and answer any questions you might have.

Let's schedule a brief call to discuss your experience and explore how [Your Product/Service] can meet your specific needs.

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Use this template to follow up with prospects who are in the trial phase of using your product or service. It's an opportunity to gather feedback and discuss their experience.

6. Use case: Follow-up after an initial interest inquiry

Subject line: "Exploring Your Interest in [Your Product/Service]"

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I noticed your recent inquiry about [Your Product/Service], and I wanted to provide you with more information and answer any questions you may have.

To kick things off, here's a brief overview of how [Your Product/Service] can benefit your [specific need or industry]:

[Provide a concise overview]

If you'd like to dive deeper or have any questions, please feel free to reach out. I'm here to assist you.

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Use this template to follow up with prospects who have shown initial interest in your product or service by inquiring. It provides them with more information and encourages further engagement.

7. Use case: Follow-up after a sales call

Subject line: "Recap of our call, [Prospect's Name]"

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I wanted to send a quick follow-up after our call to recap our discussion and next steps:

[Key Point 1]

[Key Point 2]

[Key Point 3]

Please let me know your thoughts, and if you're ready to move forward, we can proceed with the next stage. If you have any questions, I'm here to help.

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Send this sales follow-up email template after a sales call to summarize key discussion points and outline the next steps in the sales process.

8. Use case: Follow-up after a referral

Subject line: "Thanks for the Referral, [Referrer's Name]!"

Hi [Referrer's Name],

I wanted to express my gratitude for referring [Prospect's Name] to us. We're excited to assist [Prospect's Name] with their [specific need].

I'll be reaching out to [Prospect's Name] shortly to introduce ourselves. If you have any insights or advice to share, please feel free to pass it along.

Thanks again for your support!

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Use this template to follow up with someone who has referred a prospect to your business. It shows appreciation and informs them of your intention to reach out to the referred prospect.

9. Use case: Follow-up after a product launch or announcement

Subject line: "Introducing [New Product/Feature] - Get Exclusive Access!"

Hi [Prospect's Name],

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our latest product/feature, [New Product/Feature Name]. As someone interested in [related product/area], we wanted to offer you an exclusive opportunity to be among the first to explore it.

Here's what you can expect from [New Product/Feature]:

[Key Benefit 1]

[Key Benefit 2]

[Key Benefit 3]

If you'd like to learn more or get access, please let us know. We're here to assist you every step of the way.

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Send this follow-up email after launching a new product or feature to prospects who have shown interest in related areas. It provides them with an exclusive opportunity to explore the new offering.

10. Use case: Follow-up after addressing an objection

Subject line: "Clarifying your concerns, [Prospect's Name]"

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I appreciate your honesty in sharing your concerns about [mention the concern/objection]. I wanted to provide some additional information that might address your questions:

[Clarification 1]

[Clarification 2]

[Clarification 3]

I hope this helps. If you have any further concerns or if there's anything else on your mind, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Use this template to follow up with a prospect after addressing their objections or concerns. It provides additional information to help alleviate doubts and encourages further dialogue.

11. Use case: Follow-up after a free trial expires

Subject line: “Your [Product/Service] trial has ended.”

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I hope you found value in your recent trial of [Your Product/Service]. Your trial period has ended, but if you're interested in continuing, we have special pricing options available.

Let me know if you'd like to discuss these options or have any questions. We're here to assist you in any way we can.

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Send it to prospects whose free trial has ended to inform them about pricing options and encourage them to become paying customers.

12. Use case: Follow-up after a trade show or event

Subject line: "Recap of [Event Name] and next steps"

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I trust you had a great experience at [Event Name]. It was wonderful meeting you there and discussing [topic or area of interest].

To continue our conversation and explore potential collaboration, let's schedule a call. How about [suggest a date and time]?

Looking forward to our next steps!

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Send this follow-up email after meeting a prospect at a trade show or event to continue the conversation and arrange a follow-up call.

13. Use case: Follow-up for upselling or cross-selling

Subject line: "Unlock more value with [Product/Service]"

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I hope you've enjoyed your experience with [Your Product/Service]. Did you know you can unlock even more value by exploring our [related product/service]?

Here's how it can benefit you:

[Benefit 1]

[Benefit 2]

[Benefit 3]

If you're interested in learning more or have any questions, please let me know. I'd be happy to assist.

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Use this follow-up email template to follow up with existing customers who may be interested in upselling or cross-selling opportunities. It highlights the additional value they can gain from your offerings.

14. Use case: Follow-up for gathering testimonials or reviews

Subject line: "Your feedback matters to us"

Hi [Prospect's Name],

We value your opinion and would love to hear about your experience with [Your Product/Service]. If you have a few minutes to spare, could you share your thoughts or provide a testimonial?

Your feedback can help us continually improve and assist others considering [Your Product/Service].

Thanks in advance for your support!

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Send this follow-up email to customers who have had a positive experience with your product or service to request testimonials or reviews. It helps build social proof and credibility.

15. Use case: Follow-up for post-purchase engagement

Subject line: "Welcome to the [Your Company], [Customer's Name]!"

Hi [Customer's Name],

We're thrilled to have you in the [Your Company] family! Your recent purchase of [Product/Service] marks the beginning of a rewarding journey.

To ensure you get the most out of your purchase, we're here to assist you every step of the way. If you have any questions, need support, or want to explore additional resources, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for choosing us, [Customer's Name]. We're looking forward to a great partnership!

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Use this template to welcome new customers and provide them with post-purchase support and resources. It helps foster a positive customer relationship and encourages repeat business.

16. Use case: After a meeting

Subject line: "Great Meeting Today, [Prospect's Name]!"

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I wanted to thank you for our meeting today. It was great discussing [briefly mention key topics]. I'm confident that [Your Product/Service] can help address your needs.

As a next step, I'll send a tailored proposal for your consideration. If you have any immediate questions or need more information, please let me know.

Looking forward to the opportunity to work together.

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Send this follow-up email within 24 hours of your meeting. It's ideal for nurturing the relationship, summarizing key points discussed, and initiating the next steps, such as scheduling a follow-up call or meeting. 

17. Use case: Follow-up after a product demo request

Subject line: "Your [Product Demo] request - What's next?"

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I noticed your interest in seeing a live demo of [Your Product/Service]. I wanted to schedule a time that works best for you to walk you through its features and benefits.

Please let me know your availability, and I'll make sure to set up a personalized demo just for you. I'm looking forward to showing you how [Your Product/Service] can address your specific needs.

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Use this template to follow up with prospects who have requested a product or service demo. It helps initiate the scheduling process and ensures they receive personalized attention.

18. Use case: Follow-up after a free consultation

Subject line: "Recap of our consultation, [Prospect's Name]"

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I hope you found our recent consultation valuable. To recap our discussion, here are the key takeaways:

[Key Takeaway 1]

[Key Takeaway 2]

[Key Takeaway 3]

If you have any further questions or need clarification on anything we discussed, please feel free to reach out. We're here to provide the support you need.

Looking forward to our next steps together!

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Send this follow-up email after providing a free consultation to summarize the key points discussed and encourage further engagement or conversion.

19. Use case: Follow-up After a content download

Subject line: "Thanks for downloading [Content Title]"

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I wanted to personally thank you for downloading our [Content Title]. I hope you found it insightful and informative.

If you have any questions about the content or if there's anything else we can assist you with, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We're here to help you on your [related topic] journey.

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Use this template to follow up with prospects who have downloaded your content, such as an ebook or whitepaper. It shows appreciation and opens the door for further engagement.

20. Use case: Follow-up after a pricing inquiry

Subject line: "Getting the most value from [Your Product/Service]"

Hi [Prospect's Name],

Thank you for your inquiry about our pricing. I'm here to ensure you get the most value from [Your Product/Service], and I'd be happy to provide you with a detailed breakdown.

Let's schedule a brief call to discuss your specific needs and how we can tailor a plan that aligns perfectly with your objectives. How about [suggest a date and time]?

Looking forward to our conversation!

Best regards,

[Email signature]

When to use this email template: Send this email to prospects who have inquired about your pricing. It encourages a conversation about their needs and helps tailor a pricing plan accordingly.

Automate the Sales follow-up emails with Outplay 

We've explored various sales follow-up email templates that can help you craft compelling messages, re-engage leads, and close deals. These templates are your toolkit for building meaningful connections with prospects and turning them into loyal customers.

But what if we told you there's a way to take your follow-up game to a whole new level, efficient and effective? That's where Outplay comes in.

Outplay is your secret weapon for streamlining and supercharging your follow-up email strategy. With Outplay's automation features, you can:

  • Stay consistent: Outplay ensures that every follow-up opportunity stays intact. It automates your follow-up schedule, ensuring every lead gets the attention they deserve.
  • Personalize at scale: Personalization is key, and Outplay allows you to send personalized messages at scale. Use merge tags to insert prospect names, company details, and more, creating tailor-made emails.
  • Track engagement: Outplay's analytics give you insights into how your emails are performing. Know when a prospect opens an email, clicks a link, or responds so you can time your follow-ups perfectly.
  • Multi-channel engagement: Email is just one channel. With Outplay, you can engage prospects through email, LinkedIn, SMS, and more. Reach them where they are most responsive.
  • Integration with CRM: Outplay seamlessly integrates with your CRM system, ensuring that your sales and follow-up efforts are always in sync.

By automating your sales follow-up with Outplay, you free up valuable time, increase your productivity, and, most importantly, boost your chances of converting leads into customers. It's the ultimate companion to the templates we've provided, taking the legwork out of your follow-up strategy.

Don't wait – start automating your sales follow-up with Outplay today and watch your sales pipeline flourish.