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How to convert more leads from your marketing campaigns: Top 5 Outplay features for speed to lead

BySamhita Suresh

Published June 14, 2023

Convert marketing leads with Outplay

Generating more leads is the top priority for every marketer. But it’s almost underrated how much work goes into a marketing campaign. Creating assets that resonate, in multiple formats, leverage multiple channels of distribution, get those form fills, ….PHEW. And then twiddle your thumbs till those form fills get enriched and passed on to sales. After all that effort, there’s got to be a better way to make your campaigns yield more - and a lot faster. Well you’re right, there are not one but five ways you can get more out of your marketing leads with Outplay. Keep reading to find out how these Outplay features redefine speed to lead.

  1. Make form-fills frictionless 
  2. Capitalize on Linkedin Lives 
  3. Get back leads you think you’ve lost
  4. Engage with multi-channel sequences
  5. Make scheduling frictionless


1. Make form-fills frictionless 

As a consumer of content, what’s one thing that annoys you so much that you just abandon going through with the form fill? For me, it’s having to fill a loooonngg form with detail after detail. So you can imagine how your prospects must feel when they’re presented with a long form. It’s one of the biggest points of friction and can keep you from getting as many leads as your content deserves. But a short form means incomplete details and unqualified leads. Outplay has the perfect solution - auto-enrichment! TA DA! Keep your forms short and auto-enrich the additional details. Now, no more downloading and waiting for third-party enrichment. Think of many more form fills you’re going to get and how fast you can act on them.


Auto-enrichment of forms

2. Capitalize on Linkedin Lives 

68% of marketers thank social media for helping them generate more leads. And LinkedIn is a social media platform that's paradise for any go-to-market team. LinkedIn Lives are a great way to get in front of your prospects and present content that’s relevant. And this is also an opportunity that presents a captive audience to you - an opportunity to shoot your shot and make the perfect pitch. And Outplay has just the way to help you make the most out of it. With Outplay’s Meeting Scheduler, you can create a specific Scheduling Link to invite your leads to book meetings with you. You can share this smart link across any platform - like the comments or chat of your Linkedin live and offer your leads access to your calendar. They can view available time slots and instantly book meetings with you, all with just one link! 


3. Get back leads you think you’ve lost

Picture this, a prospect is so keen to download your asset or - better yet, book a demo - that they make a typo in their email ID as they fill their form. So close, yet so far, right? Have you felt the pain of not being able to chase after an inbound lead ? Especially a hot one? Seeing the mail bounce can be brutal. Outplay saves the day by identifying the bounce and enriches the form-fill with the right email address automatically. So your AEs, they can go get that hot lead.


4. Engage with multi-channel sequences

We spoke about instant enrichment right at the start. Now let’s go beyond. Once your leads are enriched and passed on to sales (in seconds, by the way, not hours), now they can act on it just right. How? By instantly adding them to perfectly-timed multichannel sequences. With Outplay, you can engage your leads and slowly lead them down the funnel with a sequence that incorporates all their favorite channels - email, calls, social media and text. And there’s a ton of ways you can improve the performance of your sequences, track how they’re doing, change things up to get the best results and more. But we’ll save that for another time.


5. Make scheduling frictionless

Once you’ve pushed your lead down the funnel, you need to strike when the iron is hot. You can’t afford to waste any time in enabling your prospect to book that meeting when they’ve expressed interest. Outplay’s Meeting Scheduler is back here to save the day. Make it easy and frictionless (there’s that word again) for your prospect to book a meeting. Without going back and forth to fix a time. All you need to do is embed a meeting link into your email. Your prospect selects a time slot that works for them. It’s blocked on both your calendars. And badabing badabang, you’re ready for the last mile - wow with your meeting, close the deal.


So, how ‘bout that? Five ways Outplay can help you go the extra mile and convert more leads than ever. Research shows that Companies automating lead management can see up to a 10% increase in revenue in just 6 to 9 months. After all the heavy lifting you’ve done, it’s time to leverage the right tech to share the burden and amplify the impact. So next time you’ve got a killer webinar or ebook in hand, you know what to do. Check out Outplay for free or book your personalized demo to learn more.