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Top B2B Outbound Sales Strategies to Ignite Growth and Drive Conversions

BySamhita Suresh

Published August 24, 2023

Top B2B Outbound Sales Strategies

Outbound sales is a challenging yet exciting, high-effort yet big reward kinda game. Which begets the question, Inbound Sales or Outbound Sales? Why not just wait for leads to flow in rather than change them through outbound efforts? Many (most) sales teams deploy a variety of outbound sales strategies at all times. What makes outbound sales so vital to a sales team? And what are these outbound sales strategies they rely on to generate revenue and drive growth? Let’s dive in and check it out.


Inbound versus outbound sales

Let’s get this out of the way before we move on. Is inbound sales that much easier than outbound sales? The ease of inbound versus outbound sales depends on a whole bunch of things. The first is your team’ strengths, skills, and preferences. Some people might find it easier to work with warm leads and leverage existing interest, while others might excel at the challenge of creating interest from scratch through outbound efforts.

Additionally, the nature of the product or service, the target market, and the industry can also influence which type of sales is easier. For instance, if you're selling a product with a strong brand presence and high demand, inbound sales might be easier. On the other hand, if you're offering a new or niche product, outbound efforts might be necessary to educate potential customers. If your brand is new, you’re not likely to have too many inbound leads flowing in. If you’re a long-time trusted business, that changes the game.

Ultimately, successful salespeople often have a mix of both inbound and outbound skills, as both approaches can complement each other and lead to a well-rounded sales strategy. It's important to assess your strengths, adapt to the demands of your industry, and be willing to continuously learn and refine your approach regardless of whether you're focusing on inbound or outbound sales.


Outbound Sales - a recap

Before we dive into outbound sales strategies, let’s quickly recap the basics. 

Outbound sales is a proactive approach where salespeople initiate contact with potential customers who haven't expressed initial interest. It involves reaching out to prospects through methods like cold calling, cold emailing, or other mixes of multi-channel sequences, with the goal of generating interest, conveying the value of a product or service, and ultimately closing a sale.

So what do love and hate about outbound sales?

Advantages of Outbound Sales:

Here are some of the reasons outbound sales strategies work so well for businesses - 

  • Targeted Outreach: You have control over who you reach out to, allowing you to target specific industries, demographics, or personas that align with your ideal customer profile. On the other hand, you have no control over who reaches out to you in inbound sales and it could well be someone who doesn’t have the purchasing power.
  • Lead Generation: Outbound sales can help you create new leads and opportunities, especially when your business is in its early stages or when you're entering a new market.
  • Scalability: Outbound sales can be scaled to reach a larger audience by expanding your outreach efforts, making it suitable for businesses aiming for rapid growth. Rather than acting on the limited leads that flow in, you can actively reach out to a much wider database with greater success. 
  • Market Penetration: If you're entering a competitive market, outbound sales can help you penetrate that market by directly reaching potential customers who might not have been aware of your product or service.
  • Direct Communication: Outbound sales provide a direct line of communication with potential customers, enabling you to convey your value proposition and address their questions or concerns.


Challenges of Outbound Sales:

  • Rejection: One of the major challenges of outbound sales is dealing with rejection. Many prospects will not be interested, and facing rejection consistently can really take a toll.
  • Time-Consuming: Outbound sales require a significant investment of time and effort. Researching leads, crafting personalized messages, and following up demand a substantial commitment.
  • Cold Outreach: Initiating conversations with prospects who may not have heard of your brand can be challenging. Building rapport and trust from scratch can sometimes take forever.
  • Intrusiveness: There's a fine line between persistence and being perceived as intrusive. Unwanted or irrelevant outreach can lead to negative associations with your brand. And sometimes it’s hard to tell when you’re crossing it.
  • Skill Requirements: Effective outbound sales demand strong interpersonal, communication, and persuasion skills. Crafting compelling pitches, handling objections, and adapting on the fly are essential.
  • Limited Initial Data: Unlike inbound leads, where you have some context, outbound prospects might require more effort to understand their needs and tailor your messaging accordingly.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Depending on your location and industry, outbound sales might be subject to regulations like anti-spam laws, which can complicate the process.
  • Measuring Success: It can be challenging to measure the success of outbound sales campaigns accurately. Determining which strategies are effective and which need adjustments requires careful tracking and analysis.


How to hire for Outbound Sales

If you’re still in the process of building out your outbound team, keep this in mind. You need to carefully consider candidates who possess the right skills, mindset, and characteristics to excel in a role that involves proactive prospecting and engagement. Every organization has its own process but here’s something we think will help you take the first steps:

Define the Role:
Clearly outline the responsibilities, expectations, and goals of the outbound sales role.Determine whether the role is entry-level or requires more experience, and specify the target market or industries the salesperson will be focusing on.

Craft a Compelling Job Description:
Write a job description that highlights the role's key responsibilities, required skills, qualifications, and the benefits of working with your company. Be specific about the outbound nature of the role to attract candidates who are comfortable with proactive prospecting.

Identify Desired Qualities:
Consider the qualities and attributes that are essential for success in outbound sales, such as strong communication skills, resilience, self-motivation, and a results-driven mindset.

Screen Resumes:
Review resumes to identify candidates who have relevant experience in sales, lead generation, or outbound prospecting. Look for candidates who have a track record of meeting or exceeding targets.

Conduct Phone Screenings:
Conduct initial phone screenings to assess candidates' communication skills, enthusiasm, and understanding of the role. Use this stage to explain the role in more detail and gauge their interest.

Behavioral Interviews:
In-person or virtual interviews should include behavioral questions that assess candidates' past experiences and how they handled challenging situations. Ask about their approach to prospecting, objection handling, and maintaining motivation.

Role-Play Scenarios:
Create role-play scenarios that mimic outbound sales situations. Have candidates demonstrate how they would engage with a prospect and handle objections.This helps you evaluate their selling skills and ability to think on their feet.

Assess Resilience and Motivation:
Outbound sales can be demanding. Ask questions that reveal candidates' resilience, ability to handle rejection, and their methods for staying motivated.

Cultural Fit:
Consider the candidate's alignment with your company's values and culture. Outbound salespeople should represent your company positively to prospects.

Reference Checks:
Contact the references provided by the candidates to gather insights into their performance, work ethic, and interpersonal skills.

Skills Assessment:
Consider having candidates complete a skills assessment, such as a mock sales call or email outreach, to evaluate their approach and communication style.

Onboarding and Training Plan:
Once you've selected a candidate, create a comprehensive onboarding and training plan to equip them with the necessary knowledge about your product/service, target audience, and sales process.

Continuous Development:
Provide ongoing training and professional development opportunities to help outbound sales representatives refine their skills and stay up-to-date with industry trends.

Remember, hiring for outbound sales is about finding individuals who are not only skilled in sales techniques but also possess the determination and adaptability required to succeed in a proactive and sometimes challenging environment. That’s why it's super important to evaluate both their technical skills and their alignment with your company's values and culture.


Hiring for outbound sales

The Importance of Outbound Sales for Business Growth

Despite the challenges we looked at earlier, why do we keep going back to outbound sales strategies? To put it simply, integrating outbound and inbound sales strategies creates a balanced and adaptable approach that maximizes a business's potential for lead generation, revenue growth, and market presence. It enables you to capture a broader range of opportunities and engage with prospects in different ways, ultimately leading to more successful sales outcomes - which is what we want. 

By combining inbound and outbound sales strategies, businesses create a well-rounded approach to customer acquisition. Inbound attracts prospects who are actively seeking solutions and have a higher chance of conversion, while outbound reaches out to potential customers who might not have found the business otherwise. This combination maximizes reach, engagement, and conversion opportunities. It also allows you to adapt to different market conditions, preferences, and buying behaviors. But that’s not all. There are a ton of more reasons why outbound sales strategies are essential -

  • Lead Generation: Outbound sales are a reliable method for generating a consistent flow of new leads. While inbound leads are valuable, they might not always provide sufficient volume to sustain growth.
  • Control over Targeting: Outbound sales provide the ability to target specific prospects and industries based on ideal customer profiles. This can result in more focused and efficient sales efforts.
  • Educational Opportunities: For complex or innovative products, outbound sales provide a chance to educate potential customers directly about the features, benefits, and value of the offering.
  • Filling Gaps: In industries or markets where inbound leads are limited, outbound sales can fill the gaps in lead generation and maintain a steady flow of opportunities.
  • Diversification: Relying solely on one strategy can be risky. Outbound sales diversify lead sources, reducing dependence on any single channel for revenue generation.
  • Feedback and Insights: Outbound sales interactions can provide valuable insights into customer objections, pain points, and preferences. This information can be used to refine messaging and product offerings.
  • Relationship Building: Outbound sales involve building relationships from scratch, allowing businesses to establish connections with potential customers early in the sales process.
  • Response to Market Changes: Business environments can change rapidly. Having both outbound and inbound strategies allows flexibility to adapt to market shifts.
  • Conversion Optimization: Combining both strategies can provide insights into which leads convert more effectively, helping businesses refine targeting and messaging.
  • Full Funnel Coverage: Inbound sales often target prospects later in the buying cycle, while outbound sales can engage prospects at various stages, providing a more comprehensive approach to the sales funnel.

Best B2B outbound sales strategies for effective growth

Building an effective B2B outbound sales strategy needs a comprehensive approach that encompasses research, personalization, value proposition communication, and relationship-building. Here are some strategies and tips to help you achieve effective growth in B2B outbound sales - with some additional recommended reads to really ace it.


Targeted Prospecting

Identify your ideal customer profile (ICP) based on industry, company size, pain points, and demographics. Use tools like LinkedIn, industry directories, and CRM data to create a list of potential prospects that fit your ICP.

Bonus - Check this out for tips on improving your outbound prospecting skills 


Personalization is Key

Tailor your messaging to address specific pain points and challenges of each prospect. Use the prospect's name and mention relevant details about their company to show you've done your research.

Bonus - Get deep personalization tips from sales guru Samantha McKenna


Multi-Channel Outreach

Don't rely solely on one channel. Combine emails, phone calls, social media, and even direct mail to reach your prospects. Experiment with different communication channels to see which ones yield the best response rates.

Bonus - Dive into the world of multi-channel outreach with this blog.


Engaging Initial Outreach:

Craft attention-grabbing subject lines for emails and compelling opening statements for phone calls. Focus on sparking curiosity and showing value right from the start.

Bonus - Click here for ultimate cold email expert tips from John Barrows himself


Follow-Up Persistence

Most sales require multiple touchpoints. Develop a follow-up cadence that includes various touchpoints over a defined period. Personalize each follow-up based on the prospect's previous interactions and objections.

Bonus - Here's your guide to writing the ultimate follow-up emails


Metrics and Analysis

Regularly track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as conversion rates, response rates, and revenue generated from outbound efforts. Analyze the data to identify trends and areas for improvement in your strategy.

Bonus - Get your comprehensive list of outbound sale success metrics


Sales and Marketing Alignment:

Ensure that your sales and marketing teams are aligned and working together. Marketing can provide valuable insights and content that can enhance your outbound efforts.

Bonus - Build sales and marketing with these tips


Invest in Training and Development:

Provide ongoing training for your outbound sales team to improve their communication skills, product knowledge, and objection handling.

Bonus - Expert Krysten Conner has all the scoop on rep training


Outbound sales tips you MUST implement

Now that you have your list of key strategies in place, here are some tips that are absolutely non-negotiable. 

Optimize Your Current Strategy

Before scaling, thoroughly evaluate your current outbound sales strategy. Review your processes, messaging, and results. Identify strengths and weaknesses, and gather feedback from your sales team to understand pain points and areas for improvement. Use data analytics to measure the effectiveness of different outreach methods and channels.

Segment and Prioritize Prospects

Divide your potential customers into segments based on shared characteristics like industry, company size, pain points, or geographic location. Prioritize these segments based on their potential value to your business. Some segments may have higher conversion rates or larger deal sizes.

Expand Your Prospect Database

Research and invest in data providers or tools that can help you build a larger and more accurate prospect database.The database should include contact information, job titles, company details, and any relevant insights.

Automate Repetitive Tasks

Use sales automation tools to streamline tasks like sending follow-up emails, scheduling appointments, and data entry into your CRM. Automation saves time and reduces the risk of human error. And more importantly, gives back time to your reps to actually sell.

Implement Technology Solutions

Invest in a robust CRM system to manage and track interactions with prospects and customers. And choose the right Sales Engagement Platform that allows for automated multi-channel cadences and AI-powered data intelligence (we’ll circle back to this at the end). 

Establish a Structured Process

Create a well-defined process for outreach, follow-up, and lead nurturing. This includes the number of touchpoints and the timing for each stage. Standardize processes to ensure consistency and enable seamless scaling.

Set Clear Goals and Metrics

Define specific goals for your outbound sales efforts. These could include targets for the number of qualified leads generated, conversion rates, and revenue generated. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress toward your goals.

Stay Agile

Maintain flexibility to adapt to changes in the market, customer preferences, and industry trends. Be ready to pivot your strategy if you notice shifts in your target audience's behavior or needs.


Some examples of Outbound Sales strategies done right

You’ve heard the theory, now it’s time to see it in action. Here are a few examples of how brands ace their outbound sales strategy and get great results.

HubSpot's Inbound-Outbound Hybrid Strategy

HubSpot, a leading inbound marketing and sales software company, used an inbound-outbound hybrid approach to generate leads. They combined their content marketing efforts with personalized outbound outreach to engage with potential customers. By offering valuable content such as ebooks, webinars, and blog posts, they attracted leads, and then used outbound tactics like tailored emails and calls to nurture those leads into customers.

Drift's Conversational Marketing Approach

Drift, a conversational marketing and sales platform, focused on real-time engagement with prospects through their website.They used chatbots and live chat to engage website visitors, answer questions, and qualify leads in real-time. This approach enabled immediate interaction, personalized communication, and faster lead qualification, leading to higher conversion rates.

Gong.io's Data-Driven Approach

Gong.io, a revenue intelligence platform, used a data-driven approach to outbound sales. They analyzed their own sales calls to identify patterns and behaviors that led to successful deals. By leveraging insights from actual sales conversations, they refined their messaging and tactics, leading to better outcomes.


Boost your Outbound Sales and Close More Deals with Outplay

That was a lot, right? Don’t worry. All you need is the right tech partner to help you nail down every aspect of outbound sales and bring your strategy to life. Time to ignite growth and convert like a boss. ICYMI, Outplay an industry favorite sales engagement platform that helps companies streamline and optimize their outbound sales efforts. It offers a range of features designed to enhance communication, personalization, and tracking throughout the sales process. Here’s just a tip of the iceberg -

Multi-Channel Outreach: Drive multichannel outreach by putting together a sequence with any combination of email, phone, SMS, LinkedIn, Twitter, and WhatsApp on our multichannel platform

Dynamic Sequences: Automate a series of touch points to optimize your conversations. Use sales automation at each stage of your sales sequence and close more deals. Personalize and timely automate each interaction with your prospect effortlessly

Seamless prospecting: Outplay Connect, the killer chrome extension, redefines one-click prospecting from LinkedIn and lets you complete a whole bunch of tasks from GMail or your CRM.

Integration libraryChoose a platform that has the widest library of integrations to build a seamless outbound sales operation. From mail hosts to monitoring platforms, Outplay has native bidirectional syncs with all the tools you need.

Template Management: Get a centralized repository for email templates, call scripts, and other communication assets to help your whole team share in the success and stay on-brand.

Conversation Intelligence: Get the power of Generative AI to analyze conversations, extract actionable customer insights that can significantly elevate sales performance. Accelerate rep onboarding, boost meeting productivity and stay ahead of conversation trends

And there’s so much more, including our award-winning, top rated customer support. Excited to give it a try? Sign up for a free trial or book a demo today. 


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