Outplay - The Sales Engagement Tool You Need

Prospecting, drafting personalized emails at scale, multi-channel outreach, task management, tracking, and reporting — it’s all here.

See why growing sales teams switch to Outplay to get the sales engagement platform they need with the support they want.

(14 days free trial. No credit card required)

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Outplay Features

Build clean and responsive prospect lists

One-click prospecting with our free Chrome extension

Download Outplay Connect and import detailed contact records from Gmail with a single click. Company, name, email, phone number, and more — it’s all there. Dropping prospects into automated sequences is just as easy.

Sales engagement platform Outplay features with one-click prospecting

Sync your inbound forms with Outplay sequences

Use a CRM like HubSpot or Pipedrive? Native integrations with your favorite marketing and sales tools means you can automatically drop anyone who submits a form into the Outplay sequence most likely to convert.

Sync your inbound forms with Outplay sequences

Import scrubbed lists into your multi-channel sequences

Have a massive list of prospects who showed interest but hasn’t been getting any love? You’re not alone. With Outplay, you can import this list via CSV and drop them into a sequence to warm them up and close the sale.

Import prospects into Outplay multichannel sequences

Spend less time writing better emails

Steal from our library

Sales leaders from companies you know like Drift and HubSpot have shared the emails that are driving sales for their teams. You can copy them, make them your own, and hit send

Share emails that drive sales using Outplay’s email template library

Let our AI email writer do the writing

Our AI writes emails by combining what it learns from drafting sales emails and what it knows about your prospect. If it’s close, make a few edits and you’re done. If not, click a button and it will try again.

Draft sales emails using Outplay AI email writer

Give some emails your personal touch

Sometimes a prospect warrants a custom email written and sent by you. Write and send your email from Outplay and it’s recorded as an activity and shown in your reports.

With Outplay features you can write and send your email to prospects

Automate sales outreach across all channels

Drive multi-channel and multi-touch campaigns

They say 7-10 touches is the gold standard for prospecting. Outplay helps each rep get these touches across all channels — automatically.

Snap together a sequence with any combination of email, phone, sms, and Twitter. Then, sit back and watch the replies pile up.

Outplay sales engagement platform feature to drive multi touch campaigns across multi-channels

Move leads between sequences automatically

In the past, once a prospect engaged with your outreach, you took them out of the sequence to avoid irrelevant follow ups.

With Dynamic Sequences, you can use email opens, clicks, replies, and more as triggers to move prospects out of one sequence and into another. This means you can continue to send relevant and personalized outreach to your most engaged prospects.

Move leads between sequences automatically with Outplay sequence tool

Start conversations with prospects on your site

What if you didn’t have to wait for prospects to click the live chat icon on your site?

With Magic Chat, when a prospect clicks through to your site from one of your outreach attempts, you can start a conversation with them. One click and you’re having a targeted conversation which might lead to a demo or sale.

Start conversations with prospects using Outplay’s magic chat

When automation won’t do, make manual outreach count

You can pick up the phone, send an email from Gmail, or log into Twitter and send a DM. Problem is, this won’t “count” in Outplay unless you manually log it (who has time for that?).

The good news is you can do all of this from inside Outplay and have all of your sales activity logged and reflected in your reports.

With Outplay sales engagement software you can make manual outreach count

Build clean and responsive prospect lists

  • Create Tasks
  • View Tasks
  • Assign tasks
  • Edit Tasks
  • Delete Tasks
  • Skip Tasks
  • Run Tasks
  • Snooze Tasks
  • Complete Tasks

Send perfectly timed replies every single time

Get Notified

Every open, click, and reply shows up in your live feed in real time. Never wonder whether your outreach attempts are being seen or acted upon again.

Get context

Knowing when someone interacts with your outreach is half the battle — the other half is knowing which message they’re interacting with. Your live feed shows you this, too.

Get replies

Combine your knowledge of who is interacting with which message to send the perfect follow-up via the channel they’re engaged with at that moment. Translation: More replies, demos, and sales.

Outplay sales software has feature, you can send timely responses every single time

Replicate what’s working and fix what isn’t

See individual and team performance at a glance

Touches, meetings booked, prospects contacted, tasks completed, pipeline metrics, outreach reports by channel — any report anyone at any level in your sales org could need is here.

Then, get exactly what you want by filtering by individual rep or team, date range, or the comparison of your choice (e.g. Compare reps A and B over the last 30 days).

With Outplay you can see individual and team performance as a report

Know how each sequence is performing

See how each sequence is performing as a whole, then click on a sequence to drill down into how each step of a sequence is performing. Stats such as the number of prospects enrolled, meetings booked, opens, clicks, replies, and deliveries are available.

See how each sequence is performing with Outplay’s sales sequence tool

Use competition to find your top reps and sequences

Introduce some friendly competition with the built-in leaderboard and watch sales activity (and results) trend up. Bonus — you’ll also find your top sales reps and sequences, too.

Find your winners based on a number of metrics including meetings booked, email opens, responses, and more.

Find your top reps and sequences with sales engagement platform

Do more of what’s Working and less of what isn’t

With Outplay, you have all of the insights you need to help individuals, teams, and sequences perform like the best in your org.

Use your top reps as models for new hires and under-performers. Use the leaders of your best teams as models for the leaders of under-performing teams. And make sure everyone is using the top performing sequence for each part of your sales process.

With Outplay, you have all insights you need to help individuals, teams, and sequences perform

Our customers love us

"Free, enterprise-level support.."

"You promised to help us, work with us, and not stop supporting us until we say we’re successful. This was a massive change from what we were used to with our previous sales engagement platform. This was huge."

Colby Davis
Colby Davis

VP of Sales & Marketing, Employer Advantage

"Ramp up in days, not months.."

"Every time I bring on new sales reps, they get used to it really quickly and then thrive in it. Most of the reps I bring in are entry-level and haven’t used sales software before. In two or three days they’re booking demos using Outplay."

Sadya Zirkind
Sadya Zirkind

Director of Growth and Partnerships, Four

Our outbound success rate increased by 30% in the last quarter alone.

If you’re looking for a tool that’s cost-effective, helps you create velocity, momentum, transparency around your outbound process with a quick time to value, then Outplay is the tool for you.

Andrew Morton
Andrew Morton

VP of Sales, now CRO, UserVoice

Deep integrations with the tools
growing sales teams depend on


Everything you need with the support you want

White glove onboarding for all

White glove onboarding for all

We see helping you succeed as our job — not a paid add-on. You will get the personal attention you need to be successful, even if you only buy one seat.

Fast 24X5 Support

Fast 24X5 Support

Sales moves fast and so should support. If long “live” chat queues and slow email responses aren’t your thing — you’ll love Outplay. We respond in minutes and most issues are resolved same day.

Ramp up Team quickly

Ramp up Team quickly

A sophisticated sales engagement platform doesn’t have to mean an unusable user interface. Even junior new hires are booking demos with Outplay within days of logging in.

Get started today and begin booking demos in Outplay this week, not next quarter